I am alive! A quick update.

My dear friends,

A lot has happened since my last post. I had to take care of an urgent personal matter that took all my energy and time. Luckily, I am well and my family is too. The past few years have been exhilarating, and I have learned a lot about many things. I have learned what is most important in my life and to prioritize ruthlessly. I have developed a personal relationship with God, and have realized that we can all be instruments of the Lord, if we are willing to say yes. The story will come in writing at some point.

My friends ask me when I will launch my product, and the answer is I don’t know. I heard Michelle once say that she is first and foremost a mom. It is the same for me: I am first and foremost a mom and a wife. That being said, I am very proud of the work that I accomplished to launch Mode Citrea as a company and as a brand. I love my logo, the creative process, writing these updates, the natural fabrics and I still have my samples! If anyone would like to take the design and run with it as a partner, please reach out to me. I still think the product has great potential. 

Here I am modernizing the Zen proverb: Before enlightenment, wash dishes, do the laundry. After enlightenment, wash dishes, do the laundry. As Covid has shown the world, everything can change in an instant. I wish you many more healthy years of washing the dishes and doing the laundry. Cheers to good times to come!

With love,
